Change is just one of those things that we cannot avoid... 99.9% of the time change is a good thing, however it is not always an easy transition.
I guess you can look at it from the perspective of an infant going through the whole teething thingy... I mean from the infants point of view the whole teeth pushing through the gums thing is not really worth the pain! The milk and puree food seems to be doing the job so why do I have to put up with this whole constant pain thing?
As a parent or adult we see the necessity for these "growing pains" if only for the fact that we see the benefits of the change and understand the process for the state of change... But in the infants mind this is not the case, it is just for all intents and purposes pain for no reason! But since there is nothing they can do about it (it is inevitable!) they depend on their parents to give them things to lessen or dull the pain via teething rings, topical's and that reassuring hug now and then...
As the child gets past this and long term memory kicks in and he/she becomes aware of the wonders of 'change' as the body changes, morphs and grows the pain and aches of bones shifting and things moving... then change becomes a thing of wonder...
However... as we get older there is constant change on many different levels not only is there the physical but there is the mental and emotional side to contend with. And just like the teething infant... these changes can be just as painful... unlike the infant, we are constantly aware of the reasons and the possible outcomes... being cognizant of change and choice can sometimes make the pain even more unbearable.
This is the crutch that we bear for the privilege of being self aware! In the whole scheme of things we soon find out that Newtons third Law effects more than the world of physics (For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) it also effects our emotional and mental interaction (reactions) with the rest of the world
I often find myself at these crossroads of change and I like to think that I have for the most part made the right choices and I have even learned to live with some of the wrong choices mostly in the hopes that I will be able to set things right in the next cycle of change/growth or... even once i have become aware that I have made a wrong choice which in itself will bring forth a new cycle of change.
So before this becomes a lengthy study on change... the point of this post is that I have noticed that the cycle of change has come upon me once again and with change comes choices.
Change...It always takes the same form with me, something monumental in my life be it positive or negative causes me to place my life on a microscope and do for a lack of a better term 'spring cleaning'. The triggers have in the past been varied... The loss of my grandmother sent me into a tailspin of change that spanned more than a year in total! However when the smoke cleared I found that indeed I had brought about some very positive changes in my life. I have resigned from a couple of jobs that triggered a change on how I look at human beings and social interaction in general, Even 9/11 triggered a process in change within me making me truly embrace the universal pattern of cause and effect, and of course the birth of my children triggered the most massive change in me... their entrance into this world gave me the ability to once again dream and hope!
The strange thing about this particular cycle of change is that i cannot pinpoint what has triggered these feelings that I need to make a change! It could be the fact that I completed my book? It could be the residual energy of the way the world is going... trickling down... affecting my psyche ( I am really starting to see that the negative energy radiating off of people around me, it is almost tangible at times)!
Or it could be that i am just getting older and reaching that time when we feel our own mortality and seek to ensure our mark on the world we live in now...
I don't even know if it really makes a difference or not, knowing what has triggered these emotions since the change is inevitable and it will more than likely be difficult since I am already beginning to understand the choices and decisions I am going to have to make...
Here is a quote from Anais Nin
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.
Now that I have put my thoughts to text in hopes that I can sort out my feelings... I am reading this quote from whom i think was an amazing woman, and with each passing moment understanding the futility of trying to live in a state of imagined comfort knowing that it is false and only a futile attempt to stall the inevitable... We all must grow and change or we will never reach our hidden potential and no matter the pain real or imagined we must see the change through till the cycle has completed!
Still does not make it any easier... but who am i to deny the power of change or ignore the ache of growing pains...