Thursday, March 5, 2009

They are watching you... Really! They are!

"1984" the masterpiece from George Orwell painted a vivid picture of a world where the government monitors and controls everything down to the way it's citizens think!
In the book totalitarian control is achieved through a constant barrage of government created propaganda and the surveillance of the populace on a whole.

I have to admit, when I read 1984 as a teenager I think it made me more aware of my situation as a citizen in this country and the things government can and will do to control... even subjugate its citizens! To be honest, having read the book in the early 80s and having this new found awareness I began to start peeling back the layers of tint that the government had so carefully placed on my mind...

The Television Set

Even though my Grandfather continuously drilled into my brain that TV was a useless device (something he affectionately called the boob tube) I Know now he was freeing my mind  from the governments number 1 tool of mind control the television set! now that everyone has cable and/or satellite TV have you ever wondered what that little box can do besides change channels?
Do you think it can send back information about you? Your TV habits? what and when do you watch TV? How much would it take for them to put a camera or a microphone into that little cable box? I know the camera thingy sounds far fetched... But Comcast actually thought of publicly adding the feature just a few months ago! (story here) and by publicly I mean actually telling you and more than likely charging you for the ability to allow them or their partners to invade your privacy! and who would those partners be? Well it could be advertisers so that they can direct the adverts that are going to trigger you to buy or could it be the federal government? Last time I checked they actually are the top of the food chain when it comes to TV and television broadcasts?!?!?!

Did George Orwell just get the year wrong?

In retrospect I would really have to say no! And the strange thing about it is that the Government has been telling you all along! The old adage "there is nothing in life that is free" holds true for just about every thing the government offers to the public for the sake of convenience... 

Metro cards or mass transit fare cards =Tracking device
EZ Pass or toll device = Tracking device
Public assistance or Benefits debit cards = tracking device
Pretty soon all drivers licenses/state IDs will have a chip added with the already implemented bar code = TRACKING DEVICE!
Don't think I am making any sense? Think this is just another far fetched conspiracy theory?
One of the cooler things on the web right now is google maps and I really love the street view thingy... Do you think google is using a satellite or street cams? When I moved on my present block I could not bring up my neighborhood on street view however fast forward six months later I can now read my license plate off of my jeep! and is it a coincidence that there are these new grey wires coming from the bulb casing on the corner street light?

It is very very important for the government to know what its citizens are doing at all times...Why? I don't know! But its very important! 
For years they have been trying to get people to sign off on the subcutaneous chip! since the early eighties it has followed the same advertising model...
First it is introduced as a way to track your pets because We as a Americans place this huge attachment on our pets and would do everything in our power to keep them safe if only to keep them from running away or getting lost. 

Then (by coincidence?) usually after they are seeing a decent amount of sales on the pet market for the locater chip there is usually a child that goes missing... then the public is bombarded with the fact that the problem of missing and/or kidnapped children could be easily avoided with technology that has been in place for years! All you need to do is have your child implanted with the chip and voila no worries! and believe it or not at one point when a preteen went missing in Florida some politician wanted to have chip placement for children become mandatory!

for some strange reason it just never seems to pick up steam with the public (public showing a surprising amount of common sense?) so the next sales pitch becomes that you can have your entire medical history implanted under your skin so if you are traveling or cannot communicate the doctors have instant access to your medical records...

I have watched this dance go on for almost 30 years! 
And it is still going on! But the government does not go quietly into the night when they are intent on knowing everything that you do!

So how much are your activities being tracked on a daily basis? 
Well lets look at the life of a city dweller
You wake up and get ready for work as soon as you lock the door to your apartment you are being tracked watched and depending on the governments interest in you, charted!

Hall/Building/Elevator security camera
Street/Traffic Cameras
ATM camera (yes they are integrated into the actual ATM machine)!
Store/coffee shop security cam
Subway/Mass transit Security Cam
Office building security cameras
Lunchroom/restaurant cam
(reverse order till you get home)

Not too much room to even pull your undies out your butt crack without someone watching!
But although surveillance is a part of Orwell's governments policy of control in 1984... propaganda plays a major role as well!

And how is this accomplished? by the news and media outlets!
What better place to shape and mold the minds of American citizens than by using the device they spend 75% of their free time in front of... the television! When was the last time you fact checked a news story? If you are like most Americans you figure that "well if its on the news it must be true"! what better way to push any brand of propaganda? The news says that the war over in (you place conflict zone here) is going great and we are winning hands down, how do you prove or disprove it unless you are there? As you are watching and laughing at your favorite sitcom what message is really being subliminally transmitted to your brain via the storyline? Are the morals and ethics of Americans 'changing' or are they being 'changed'.
Emotion is an important aspect of control! Government usually begins changing the rules when emotions run high (Pearl Harbour, 911, Iraq,)

Did you know that the following is the description from  an actual patent request...

"Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set."

And it does not stop there! you are not even safe online! yes the government can read your email track your online habits with cookies and flag your computer for further investigation (invasion) If you visit a website that they feel may be a threat to security or safety!

So how did we end up in this 1984 state of existence?
Well once again we have as a nation self inflicted ourselves by falling into the governments propaganda machine of induced fear! Fear of personal safety and property? We sign off on surveillance cams! 

Fear of terrorism? We sign off on tracking our movements on and offline be it telephone email or cell phone!

fear of finding ourselves or our loved ones lost or missing we sign off on having our movements tracked real time by GPS satellites!

By only feeding into the fear of what 'could happen' we are not looking at the long term effects that surveillance by the government does to our rights as individuals and as citizens of what is supposed to be a country based on freedom!

Every time you sign up for a 'rewards card' from a store, every time you run out and buy a product that makes your life easier by using a database along with 'digital fingerprinting', Every time you use a government controlled device that promises to protect you or your family by transmitting information to a computer or computer controlled device...

You are helping to speed up the process of making our world mirror the world of George Orwell's 1984.

So in reality next time you are picking your nose, or fixing your bra, or pulling your undies out of your butt crack remember...

They are watching you... Really! They are!

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