I really had to write about this! Even though I hoped to speak about a more deeper topic for my second post... Something had to be addressed about this new trend I am starting to see.
Is it the economy? Is it a growing disregard for our fellow citizens? Are people just overall becoming crankier and meaner?
Case in point the supermarket...
I have just approached the meat aisle to look at the sale that they were having on whole Angus roasts (1.99/lb!) The aisle had some traffic but no one is anywhere near the roast, My cart is pointed towards that direction and no sooner did i tell my wife "Look that's a nice sale this lady cuts in front of my cart (quite aggressively) and positions herself so as to not allow myself near the area of my interest. I just decide i will wait my turn since there are many roasts on display, my wife decides to go to another aisle however as she passes the woman looks up and seems to be moving on but she glances at me and stops her cart and get this... she pulls out her cell phone and begins to make a call! While still blocking the display!... Since I am a firm believer in being polite I kindly walk up to the lady and say "excuse me do you mind if i take a look at these"?
I really expected her to just wheel her phone and cart out of the way however for some strange reason she decided that giving me a nasty "well excuse the hell out of me for wanting to shop in YOUR store"! Basically I Ignored her and went to buy my choice pieces of meat!
But why did I have to go through this scene? and the lady did not even make a purchase from that display! Believe it or not I have changed my shopping habits to either early in the morning or late at night strictly because this is happening more and more in my local supermarkets! I have had people block aisles to hold conversations damn near run me over with their carts to get in front of me only to come to a dead stop! and the parking lots are a mess!
No lie! My old jeep the windows where tinted kind of heavily I actually watched a lady walk her empty cart past the cart Que and place it directly behind my jeep! She did it on purpose because she actually walked it up to the rear hatch and ensured it did not slam into the car! when I opened my door she looked as if the world had ended I asked her why she was placing a cart right behind my vehicle? she just mumbled some kind of apology and put it in the cart Que! But why?!? What joy are you getting by being mean for no reason? much less to a random stranger?
I see it gas stations where people after pumping their gas at a crowded station will not pull their car off of the pump line and park it to buy their lotto or cigs...No, they leave the car right there and go inside the store and wait on line with no regards to the 4 or 5 cars waiting for gas!
I no longer live in NYC however I often go back to shop for gear, electronics and other things not available in Albany... To keep my blood pressure down i find it easier to park my car once I get into the city and get a metro card, Taking the train to my sub-destinations... Why when the train gets crowded do people decide that every inanimate object should have a seat! from cups of coffee, to bags of food, to knapsacks/purses, and my favorite hats and gloves? The reality is if you are riding mass transit you really may not like the fact of having complete strangers sitting right next to you... However it is mass transit... so it is kind of unfair to think that because you have paid your fare you should be able to monopolize the seat next to you forcing someone to stand for the total of their trip! And these people actually cop an attitude when asked to move their property so another fare paying rider can sit down! Then you have those who block the aisles with their property instead of placing it under their seat... I have actually watched people who have had their gear stowed under their seat then pull it out to the center of the aisle when the train begins to get crowded!
Its almost like the invasion of the body snatchers where people just have no emotion or concerns about others.
I really have come to hate malls I only go when I need to purchase something... I go to that store, buy my item, get in my car and leave! I have really come to believe that people wake up in a bad mood jump in their car and head to the mall for the sole purpose of trying to make someone life miserable...
Long line? Let me engage the cashier in trivial conversation after my purchase has been rung up! after waiting on line and having you ring up my multiple purchases let me now begin to look for my credit card and find out I do not have it! Or I have no ID to prove that this is my credit card! Lets have a community meeting in front of the escalators or stairs basically screw those who need to use these because moving to the side lessens my importance!
Even though I may have waited patiently for a salesman to become free to ask my questions you go right ahead and engage him with your really quick question since my time is not as important as yours!
Better yet hold up the line and refuse to move even after the sales rep has offered to bring his or her supervisor over to address your (usually trivial) concerns!
Please let your kids run free through out the store and do whatever they want! I am glad that you have found a way to get your shopping done while allowing your children a chance to blow off some steam! And if you lose track of them just tell security and they will call a code Adam and lock me in the store while everyone stops to find your kid that you should have been watching anyway!
Again why do people go out of their way to inconvenience others? I never understood why grown people would just lose it in stores now I see it all too clearly!
These people should just come out and warn others of their intent!
They should actually walk up to their intended victim and say Hi! Let me inconvenience you!
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