Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It all has to begin somewhere...

We all have what I like to call "the moment"... the easiest way to describe "the moment" is that point in time when an idea hits you with such force that you are compelled to act upon it with a motivation that draws energy from sources unknown...

Today I had that moment! I decided to go ahead and start my blog! Of course "the moment hit me in the middle of my work day... But who am I to question the power of 'the moment"?

In all reality "the moment" hit me while mulling over how to proceed with getting my recently finished book into print (The Ghetto Survival Guide).  So what better way than to let people see into the thought process that is me!

So what will I be offering up for you the readers review? In staying true to "the moment" and its mystical powers... it will be the things that spur my thoughts into action, manifested by typing validated only by your approval or disapproval!

However I must warn you gentle reader... my posts will never be about the mundane! I will speak about things that will at times go against the socially acceptable! Most importantly I will keep it not only relevant but I will always keep it real!

Very important point coming up... I need your feedback! I need your thoughts on the issues I write about! I need that two way street of communication!  So write, comment, agree to disagree...Whatever! Just let me know how you feel!

With that said I feel that I have begun my journey into "the moment" and I look forward to the new things this road we are about to travel will show us...

The wonderful thing about journeys? 
It all has to begin somewhere...

Thanx for reading! 

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